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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

When to let go...

So, this weeks topic is on letting go. When matters of the heart are involved I believe it's either going to be one of three types of people. You are either the person that cuts someone off immediately when you are hurt; the person that tells them your are done with them but are secretly going through hell inside; or your are the one that is thinking "maybe it can work" and making it obvious that you are pushing for it to work. Now, those 3 are not always the case but often so. I personally think I relate more with the second but we may all have a little of all 3 in us depending on who the other party is. So, if your significant other cheats or does something that in your eyes causes a broken heart, when do you let got if at all? Obviously no one situation is the same but, which one are you? What do you do? Lets talk.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The man and the female friend.

Lets talk. You ever heard a woman say " I have mostly male friends because women are catty!" or for whatever reason? Well what happens when that female gets a man who is the friend to those many women. Then what? Is this acceptable? Ladies, is it ok for your man to have female friends? I've heard that its ok as long as they are not hanging out alone or they can only talk by phone or several other situations. However ultimately how do we feel about this? And fellas what's your take on having female friends and being in a relationship? Whats your feelings about your lady having male friends. I do believe my people that we have a subject on our hands that we will NEVER find a solution to;but we will see. Let me know what you think about the the man and the female friends.